The People vs Mona

Original Cast Recording

The People vs Mona, Original Cast Recording
CDJAY 1408
CD1: 57'20''

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Book By Patricia Miller and Jim Wann

Music and Lyrics By Jim Wann  

Marcie Henderson • Marc Kudisch Christiane NollRon Raines • Omri Schein Natalie Toro • Lillias White

Orchestrations By Ritt Henn  


The People vs. Mona is a love story, murder mystery, courtroom shenanigans, fate-of-a-small-town-hanging-on-the-verdict musical.For professional companies: seven actor/singers play all the roles in a multicultural cast, accompanied by three onstage musicians. For high schools, colleges, and community theatre: the cast may be expanded by having one actor in each witness role, and a chorus of townspeople in the larger numbers.The music combines folk, blues, gospel, jazz, rock, musical comedy, school anthem, marching band and bossa nova with a theatrical sensibility.

Mona Mae Katt, a third-generation Latina-American, owns the Frog Pad, the long-time musical heart of Tippo, GA, a town in need of a plan to revive itself. She is accused of killing C.C. Katt, recording studio operator and her husband of ten hours, by hitting him over the head with her Stratocaster guitar. She is defended by Jim Summerford, a Southern gentleman who’s never won a case against prosecutor and Mayoral candidate Mavis Frye—his fiancé. As Jim tries to prove Mona’s innocence, he becomes attracted to her, and Mavis ups the stakes: she wants to convict Mona, marry Jim, take office, tear down the Frog Pad, and put up a Casino—bringing in bucks, but taking away Tippo’s artistic and social traditions in the process. And if Mona is found guilty, the odds are Mavis will get her way.

CD 1
  1. Tippo
    Marc Kudisch, Company of Mona
  2. Keep The Frog Pad Alive
    Natalie Toro, Company of Mona
  3. Keep Keep / Hear Ye / Who Wears The Robe? / Glad Glad Glad
  4. Euple R. Pugh
    Marc Kudisch, Company of Mona
  5. Do You?
    Dan Weiss, Marci Henderson, Christiane Noll
  6. The Big Meow
    Marcie Henderson, Ron Raines, Omri Schein
  7. Officer Bell's Turn
    Ron Raines, Christiane Noll, Lillias White, Marc Kudisch
  8. Work With Me
    Marc Kudisch, Natalie Toro, The McGnatts
  9. Lockdown Blues
    Natalie Toro, Marc Kudisch, The McGnatts
  10. Does The Prosecution Rest?
    Christiane Noll, Lillias White, Marc Kudisch
  11. Riverboat Casino Gambling
    Christiane Noll, Company of Mona, Marc Kudisch
  12. Riverboat Casino Gambling (Reprise)
    Christiane Noll, Natalie Toro, Marc Kudisch
  13. Euple R. Pugh (Reprise)
    Company of Mona
  14. Legendary Litigator
    Omri Schein, Lillias White, Marc Kudisch, Company of Mona
  15. Blind Willy
    Marcie Henderson, Lillias White, Christiane Noll, Marc Kudisch, Company of Mona
  16. Marching Thru Tippo
    Natalie Toro, Marc Kudisch, Omri Schein, Company of Mona
  17. You Done Forgot Your Bible
    Lillias White, Christiane Noll, Company of Mona
  18. Partner
    Natalie Toro, Marc Kudisch
  19. A Real Defense
    Marc Kudisch, Company of Mona
  20. Spooky Memories
    Marc Kudisch, Company of Mona
  21. The Confession
    Ron Raines, Marc Kudisch, Company of Mona
  22. Come On Down To Tippo
    Marc Kudisch, Company of Mona
  23. Exit Music
    The McGnatts