The Taffetas

The Taffetas

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This musical features an all girl pop singing quartet and is for many generations, a trip down memory lane, comprising as it does over 50 songs that dominated the hit parade of the 1950's. An era now remembered more for the birth of Rock 'n' Roll, it was in fact one that's pop charts were full of the sweet saccharine sounds of numerous girl groups. 'The Taffetas' brings many of those songs together in a glorious celebration of both the time and the music.

Featured songs include "Mr Sandman", "Tonight You Belong To Me", "Mockin' Bird Hill", "Fly Me To The Moon", "Love Letters In The Sand", "Puppy Love", "Doggie In The Window", "Little Darlin", "Lollipop" and "Dedicated To The One I Love" and many more!

  1. Opening
  2. Sh-Boom
    Karen Curlee
  3. Dialogue
  4. Mr Sandman
  5. The Three Bells
  6. Dialogue
  7. Tonight You Belong To Me
  8. Dialogue
  9. I'm Sorry
  10. Ricochet
  11. I Cried | Cry | Smile
  12. A-Choo Cha Cha
  13. Mockin' Bird Hill
  14. Dialogue
  15. Medley One (Travel and The USA)
  16. Medley Two (Love and Music)
  17. Dialogue 5
  18. Sincerely
  19. Dialogue 6
  20. Johnny Angel
  21. Mr Lee
  22. Dedicated to The One I Love
  23. Where The Boys Are
  24. Dialogue 7
  25. I'll Think of You
  26. Dialogue 8
  27. Little Darlin'
  28. Spotlight on Music
  29. You Is A Two Way Street
  30. You Belong to Me
  31. Tammy
  32. I'm Sorry
  33. Puppy Love | How Musch Is That Doggy In The Window
  34. I Cried | Cry
  35. Sincerely
  36. Where The Boys Are